Comments on: Q CELLS, LG, Mission Solar join petition to extend solar panel tariffs Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Tue, 07 Sep 2021 12:17:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cal Couillard Mon, 16 Aug 2021 16:22:57 +0000 To all,

Our country gave up on manufacturing solar panels 20 years ago. We don’t have the manufacturing infrastructure to make them now. These tariffs only slowed down solar installations in the U.S. The winners in the renewable energy world of now and the future will be those that install solar arrays and produce power. Where the panels are made is irrelevant. To continue this tariff is to continue putting the United States in a higher cost position than most nations on earth. We are not shooting ourselves in the foot, we are shooting ourselves in the head.

Cal Couillard

By: Solarman Wed, 11 Aug 2021 19:17:38 +0000 Wow, still haven’t learned a thing from the 2017 tariffs imposed on “Chinese manufactured” solar PV components and panels. Historically the two loudest whiners that pushed tariffs to “protect” their manufacturing business in the U.S. are bankrupt and out of business. Is the whining going to be more effective this time around? I think not. IF these entities haven’t figured out that manufacturing their solar PV products using solar PV, cutting out the onerous energy middleman, then they have lost the battle and will never get to the war ahead.

What will happen is these entities will also falter and fail, 4,000 manufacturing jobs will be lost and the price effects in the solar PV industry will constrict solar PV installations and one will lose 250,000 to 500,000 solar PV installation jobs in the months to come. Only politics and protectionist tariff policies can do more damage than isolation in a Pandemic to destroy jobs and stop the flow of solar PV installations.
