Comments on: An energy storage boom is coming thanks to the new storage ITC Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Wed, 01 Mar 2023 18:46:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Julius Möckel Tue, 06 Dec 2022 17:28:20 +0000 I am a student from Vienna and currently researching on government incentives for residential ESS in the US focusing on Texas. If you have any good websites or personal experience, please contact me 🙂

By: Nathan Heston Fri, 21 Oct 2022 21:42:30 +0000 In reply to Paul V.

Hi Paul,
Our company, Brigss and Stratton-SimpliPhi Power(see the top picture) teaches Webinar classes which can be registered for at our website about ESS systems. We also offer self-paced learning opportunites through our online training platform, the Briggs Power Academy. Our trainings (myself included) would love to help you learn. ~Nathan

By: Solarman Wed, 19 Oct 2022 19:18:29 +0000 In reply to Paul V.

You might want to entertain companies like SunFusion Energy Systems or Humless Universal which have been used as smart ESS for micro-grid or off grid applications. Depending on energy needs, not cheap, but, flexible in programming and algorithm options to operate one’s home on or off grid.

By: Solarman Wed, 19 Oct 2022 19:12:29 +0000 In reply to AB.

I see your point, this is the game rote IOU electric utilities play. TOU if they change their operations models, then one can and in the future have a TOU from 6AM to 8AM for the wakeup to go to work rush and then the solar PV generation roll-off and a TOU peak from 4PM to 9PM each day. Right now it seems the answer is staying with natural gas water heater and replacing an A/C unit with one of the Energy Star VFD compressor operated heat pumps. In California the largest energy load is probably the air conditioning unit(s) that seem to be operating 24/7 for five to six months out of the year now. There still seems to be a paradigm when it comes to designing and operating systems that have smart ESS units with grid interactive inverters.

By: Alex Sun, 16 Oct 2022 18:22:30 +0000 In reply to Paul V.

Hi Paul, I totally understand where you’re coming from! We’ve heard this a million times. Feel free to check out our website, – we have just recently created a mini “course” that would be perfect for what you’re looking for.

By: Paul V Fri, 14 Oct 2022 20:20:49 +0000 At first glance, this certainly looks great, but as a consumer looking to install a large residential solar-battery off grid system, what I really need is decent education. Alt E does a pretty good job with their videos but there are so many moving parts to a large system and so many component choices now.
Are there any education classes or courses designed specifically for consumers to help them design a good system, make good component purchasing choices and clearly understand how to properly maintain their system?

By: JW Postal Fri, 14 Oct 2022 17:36:25 +0000 Good overall piece. We at WATTMORE – Intelligent Energy Now, agree the IRA has driven a nice uptick in storage possibilities. Our platform of AI software can help installers, EPCs, developers, IPPs model the battery economics in key markets and then our Intellect adaptive EMS will actually manage the battery on-going for 10 years. Our WATTMORE Core AI software is flexible and inter operable across almost any vertical (Resi VPP, C&I, Community, Small Utility and coming soon large Utility). We are hardware agnostic and really pushing the software only model than can easily integrate with any battery, inverter and controller. The IRA helps all of these efforts!

By: ronodeep das Fri, 14 Oct 2022 15:47:29 +0000 sounds like old wine in New bottle
battery prices would need to come dn with higher Ah capacities to make adoption easier. to avail tax credit installing power storage solutions involving batteries is miniscule considering the capital cost.

By: Cliff Epps Fri, 14 Oct 2022 14:34:51 +0000 Will my Electric Co. Readily give me info on the peak higher price hours of electricity use in my area?

By: AB Fri, 14 Oct 2022 13:57:55 +0000 Responding to Solarman: TOU metering, paired with battery storage, will reduce the monthly electricity charges, but nowhere near 50%. The net savings between the regular metering which uses the same rate ($0.25) all the time, and TOU metering which charges a high rate ($0.45) during peak hours and a low ($0.19) rate during off-peak, is $0.06. And that’s only if the battery storage has enough capacity to cover 100% of the electricity use during peak hours.

By: Solarman Wed, 12 Oct 2022 18:46:27 +0000 In places like California where (average) electrictiy costs are right around $0.25/kWh and are expected to get to an average of $0.35/kWh between 2025 and 2030, makes smart energy storage a better overall plan than solar PV plus storage. Buying the right ESS is tantamont to success as one can get products that they can connect solar PV to in the future. At this time just talking about a smart box with interactive inverter, battery pack with smart HMI programming and controller, I would pick the Sonnen 30.0 for home resiliency and a 15 year warranty on the battery pack. At this time SCE in California has one rate package of $0.19/kWh off peak and from $0.45/kWh to $0.47kWh for the TOU from 4 PM to 9 PM each day. Being able to offset the TOU each day by using arbitrage would save about half of one’s monthly electricity charges, even without solar PV.
